Zest WEG Group Recognised for Sustainable Development

The Zest WEG Group was selected as a finalist for “Sustainable Development” category at the Anglo American Supplier Awards ceremony held in London during November 2011. Now in their second year, these awards recognise outstanding achievements of suppliers who partner with Anglo American to deliver its strategic objectives in sustainable development, safety, partnership and innovation.

It is the second time that Zest WEG has been nominated. In 2010 it was a finalist in the “Innovation” category for its energy efficiency initiatives implemented at Anglo American mines.

“The Zest WEG Group, owned by Brazil-based WEG, has been implementing initiatives to protect soil, air and water since 1969,” Gary Daines, group sales and marketing director at Zest WEG Group, explains. “Its CO2-free range of electrical equipment is used to reduce the CO2 footprint in industries where it operates and it also delivers energy-efficient products such as the WEG W22 electric motor to reduce Anglo American’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.”

Eighty percent of WEG Brazil’s electric power is generated by hydro-electric plants and the company participates in several reforestation programmes that enable its factories to be CO2-emission-free. “WEG’s water treatment station, that treats all water used in industrial processes, has an efficiency of more than 95%,” Daines continues.

“Airborne pollution is minimised through on-going investment in the latest technology to process pollutants. For instance WEG’s coatings use water-based varnishes which reduce emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. Wherever possible, WEG invests in technology that uses natural gas as a fuel.”

WEG follows a policy of adhering to international quality and standards systems in constantly improving the reliability and efficiency of its products, including Procel (Brazil) Epact (USA), IE3 (Europe) MEPS (Australia) and SABS (South Africa). It has also held the ISO 14001 accreditation since 2001.

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